Executive Summary
- TSOs developed important proposals to implement the Electricity Balancing Guideline, including implementation frameworks for all Balancing Platforms. This is a major step towards the integration of European electricity balancing markets. Electricity Balancing in Europe, a simplified overview aimed at non-experts, was among our most commented-upon publications in 2018.
- The 1st Edition of the Bidding Zone Review and a new technical report on the current bidding zone configuration were released. The definition of bidding zone boundaries is a question of major relevance for efficient congestion management and a well-functioning market; Regular assessments and possible reviews are key requirements of the CACM Regulation.
- The implementation of the System Operation Guideline is ongoing, with the delivery by TSOs of important proposals, including the methodologies for coordinating operational security analysis and for assessing the relevance of assets for outage coordination, and the proposal for key organisational requirements, roles and responsibilities in relation to data exchange.
- The 2018 edition of the scenarios, developed jointly with ENTSOG, outlines three markedly different possible paths towards a low-carbon energy system – in line with EU targets – and one additional perspective based on the European Commission EUCO30 policy scenario. ENTSO-E was present at COP24 in Katowice to present the scenarios and a new publication, PowerFacts Europe.
- The TYNDP 2018 tested how 166 transmission projects and 15 storage projects respond to the 2025 and 2030 scenarios. For the first time, the TYNDP 2018 package features a pan-European analysis of future system investment needs and analyses the cost of no-grid, i. e., the costs – financial, environmental and in terms of electricity supply – of not investing in the power networks.
- At the end of 2018, data exchange via ENTSO-E’s
Operational Planning Data Environment – the information platform that will support the data exchange associated with the Common Grid Model merging process – was automated for 9 TSOs and 2 RSCs. The development of the physical communication network is also ongoing. - The XBID solution went live in June 2018. Marking an important step towards the creation of a single integrated European intraday market, the go-live with the 10 Local Implementation Projects delivers continuous trading of electricity across 14 countries. It was developed jointly by NEMOs and TSOs.
- ENTSO-E and DSO associations CEDEC, E.DSO, Eurelectric and Geode have signed up to continue the cooperative work that has been going on since 2015. The priority is to achieve a common vision on active system management, so as to integrate all distributed resources and new service providers in the electricity system and market. This will ensure system security and create value for the customer.
- ENTSO-E’s Transparency Platform reached 13000 users in 2018. 10 million files are uploaded annually. The implementation of ENTSO-E’s new data policy to the Platform allows part of the data to be freely re-used without restriction, and improvements to the graphical user interface have begun to be implemented on parts of the Platform.
- In October 2018, the first long-term auctions of transmission rights were performed on the Single Allocation Platform as per the Forward Capacity Allocation Regulation. Operated by the Joint Allocation Office, the SAP performs the yearly, monthly and daily auctions of transmission rights on 27 borders throughout Europe.
- The INTERRFACE project was awarded with EU funding. The project gathers a consortium of 42 partners from network and market operators, aggregators, service and technology providers and universities, and will connect market platforms by designing, developing and exploiting a common architecture with standardized products and processes.
- The 7th edition of the InnoGrid conference, organised with E.DSO, showcased 30 DSO and TSO R&D projects. Other major events were the #PowerCoordination Europe conference with Coreso, and ENTSO-E’s 4th regional conference looking this year at Alpine Power Links and organized with regional TSOs.
- Over 150 innovators have already joined ENTSO-E’s Business Network for Innovation, which was launched in October 2018. The Network aims at creating a bridge between the world of start-ups and citizen initiatives on the one hand, and suppliers, opinion leaders, institutions and ENTSO-E on the other, so as to shorten the time from idea to market.
- Throughout 2018, TSO representatives and ENTSO-E secretariat staff delivered collectively on ENTSO-E’s mandates. Stakeholders provided input through 59 public consultations, 22 workshops, 7 webinars and 4 conferences. Over 200 staff members from TSOs and RSCs participated in various training initiatives.
About this annual report
ENTSO-E’s Annual Report is a legally mandated deliverable, submitted to ACER for opinion. In line with ENTSO-E’s key activity areas, it is structured as follows:
1 and 2. Internal Energy Market: this part is divided into activities related to
i) network codes and ii) the future power system;
3. Develop a new ICT approach and capability, including cyber-security;
4. Develop the DSO partnership;
5. Coordinate and facilitate regional developments;
6. Develop transparency and trust, including stakeholder engagement activities.
The resources used to deliver these objectives are detailed in Annex 1.
The activities described in this report were delivered thanks to the collective work of ENTSO-E’s 43 member TSOs and ENTSO-E’s Secretariat based in Brussels.
Implement the network codes
Working toward a secure, competitive and low-carbon European electricity sector and the Internal Energy Market is an ambitious target, that needs a common set of rules. The European network codes are technical rules, that complement existing legislation by defining a common basis for all stakeholders and market parties to adopt the same practices and business processes across Europe. Between 2009 and March 2017, ENTSO-E has developed, jointly with ACER, policy-makers and stakeholders, eight network codes and guidelines.
Build the future power system
The power system is undergoing profound changes. Renewables are replacing thermal, demand-side response and storage provide a new dynamic, and digitalisation influences the entire electric value chain. ENTSO-E aims at providing leadership for the future power system, by contributing its vision of market design and operations, grid planning and development with the TYNDP, supporting innovation and, in the short term, ensuring system adequacy in accordance with the new mandates set in the Clean Energy Package.
IT architecture as a horizontal layer of ENTSO-E’s work
The digital infrastructure that supports the power grid plays an increasingly important role. A digital power system provides new opportunities for system operations, market design, and regional cooperation. The IT architecture must adapt to this transformation to support Europe’s energy transition. In particular, the future IT architecture should ensure interoperability and enable cyber-security. ENTSO-E’s IT strategy is implemented since early 2018 by a new Digital committee, advising ENTSO-E’s Board on digital.
Develop the DSO partnership
Continued TSO – DSO cooperation
ENTSO-E and the four DSO associations E.DSO, CEDEC, Geode and Eurelectric have participated in the TSO – DSO platform chaired by the European Commission since 2015. Under that Platform, a TSO – DSO Network Code/Guideline Implementation Group was set up in September 2018 to discuss issues of interest to DSOs related to the implementation of network codes.
Coordinate and facilitate regional development
TSOs operate systems that are interconnected across borders. An event in one part of a synchronously interconnected area can affect the common frequency and thus all power systems within the area. Europe’s largest synchronous area, the Continental Europe synchronous area, stretches from Spain to Turkey and encompasses 25 countries. To preserve security of supply, and to stay ahead of the challenge posed by Europe’s energy transition, TSOs within ENTSO-E endeavour to enforce a high level of regional coordination.
Transparency and trust
TSOs, as regulated monopolies work for society at large and subscribe to the highest transparency standards. This translates into making quality information available and engaging continuously with stakeholders, regulators and the general public.