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Annex 1 – Resources

Key figures

ENTSO-E AISBL5 is a not-for-profit organisation governed by Belgian law. Its 2018 financial statements are reviewed by BDO statutory auditors who will issue an opinion at the 27 June 2019 General Assembly. The following figures are non-audited but give a fair overview of the activities performed during the year.

5 Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif

€ 28.6 M€ +4 M€ 3.6 M€ 7.6 M96
Total Membership feesNet resultCapital expendoturesNet cash posotionTotal average FTE

The total budget of € 28.6 M represents a 42 % increase compared to 2017 (€ 20.2 M).

In 2018, the operational expenditures of the Association reached € 24.9 M for the following activities:

  • 34 % Association member’s services: association governance support, Secretariat administration, strategy and communication;
  • 35 % Legal mandates’ services: network code implementation, TYNDP, R&D activities;
  • 31 % IT legal mandates’ services: data and IT infrastructure (Common Grid Model under the network code implementation, Transparency Platform,
    ENTSO-E Awareness System).

The net result of € +4 M is mainly driven by the delay in rollout of the Common Grid Model.

The € 3.6 M in capital expenditures are mainly related to the Common Grid Model (€ 1.2 M) and Transparency platform (€ 0.7 M).

In 2018, the total yearly average full-time equivalent (FTE) reached 96, which corresponds to an increase of 17.5 FTEs when compared to 2017 and is mainly driven by the CGM programme and adequacy and network code implementation activities. It includes permanent staff, TSOs secondments and outsourced “on site” services (such as the IT support services). This is in addition to the numerous TSO staff members who bring their expertise to the Association via the Assembly, Board, Committees and their subgroups.


About this annual report

ENTSO-E’s Annual Report is a legally mandated deliverable, submitted to ACER for opinion. In line with ENTSO-E’s key activity areas, it is structured as follows:

1 and 2. Internal Energy Market: this part is divided into activities related to
i) network codes and ii) the future power system;

3. Develop a new ICT approach and capability, including cyber-security;

4. Develop the DSO partnership;

5. Coordinate and facilitate regional developments;

6. Develop transparency and trust, including stakeholder engagement activities.

The resources used to deliver these objectives are detailed in Annex 1.

The activities described in this report were delivered thanks to the collective work of ENTSO-E’s 43 member TSOs and ENTSO-E’s Secretariat based in Brussels.